
2015年3月8日—Hi,.IjustinstalledDropboxonarchlinuxunderXFCE4.IfIruntheapplicationfromthemenunothinghappens,buttheinstanceofdropbox ...,2020年11月15日—Hello,Linuxnoobhere,justinstalledManjaroasmyfirstdistroaweekago,andlovingitsofar.I'mhavingtroublegettingDropBox ...,2023年11月17日—Whenlistisusedorwithnonarguments,thiscommandprintsalistofdirectoriescurrentlyexcludedfromsyncing....Thiscommanddoesn...

[SOLVED] Dropbox does not start Newbie Corner ...

2015年3月8日 — Hi,. I just installed Dropbox on archlinux under XFCE4. If I run the application from the menu nothing happens, but the instance of dropbox ...

Dropbox not working (New Linux User)

2020年11月15日 — Hello, Linux noob here, just installed Manjaro as my first distro a week ago, and loving it so far. I'm having trouble getting DropBox ...

Dropbox on Linux

2023年11月17日 — When list is used or with non arguments, this command prints a list of directories currently excluded from syncing. ... This command does not ...

Dropbox sync with one folder on Linux

2019年11月17日 — Step 4: Reboot system or sudo mount -a to reload all fstab entries. Step 5: Start Dropbox. Tested on Dropbox v85.4.155 (on Arch Linux).


2024年4月21日 — Dropbox is a file sharing system with a GNU/Linux client. Use it to transparently sync files across computers and architectures.


2023年6月6日 — Dropbox is a file sharing system that recently introduced a GNU/Linux client. Use it to transparently sync files across computers and ...

Arch Linux Dropbox Gnome app indicator drop down menu

2024年2月29日 — So just a tip if the Dropbox drop down menu is not performing properly on Arch Linux Gnome, try installing libappindicator-gtk3 from the Arch ...

Tray icon not showing on Arch+Cinnamon after tryin...

2020年5月11日 — Solved: Dear all, I am a Dropbox Plus user working on Arch Linux with Cinnamon 4.4.8 desktop and all latest updates (ext4 file system), ...

Two computers with arch - Sync

2020年12月6日 — My problem is that I don't know how to synchronize pacman packages from my workstation to my laptop to have the same software on my laptop and ...

Dropbox question

2024年2月8日 — Trying to get Dropbox to work installed through AUR. (flatpak works as expected but prefer not to use it). The sync appears to happen properly, ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
